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Grocery Pickup and Delivery: 10 Reasons You Should be Shopping Online

Grocery Pickup and Delivery: 10 Reasons You Should be Shopping Online

If you’re a mom, you know how hectic life can be managing a home. Between taking care of the kids, running errands, and trying to squeeze in a little time for yourself (ya know, real luxuries like a shower) it feels like there’s never enough time in the day. So let’s talk about one huge timesaver (read, sanity-saver) for moms who are always on the go: Walmart pick-up (or any pickup or delivery service). In this blog post, we’ll talk about why you should be doing your shopping online, plus the dirty tips for getting the best experience.

If you haven’t jumped on this trend yet, you do not know what you’re missing. I honestly can’t believe I used to cart all three of my kids into a shopping cart for an hour, dodging the candy and toy aisles, reminding them we don’t impulse shop, managing tantrums, and then checking out only to take those groceries out to the car, holding the baby and herding the toddlers through a parking lot desert. Add bad weather to the equation, and I’m getting hives thinking about it.

So here we go: 10 reasons you should be shopping online

1. You can shop from the comfort of your own home

No more getting the kids ready to go out, loading everyone into the car, and schlepping through a store. You can do it all from your phone or laptop while you’re relaxing on the couch in your jammies. Or, like me, while you’re binge-watching your favorite sitcom when you should be sleeping, which I believe we’ve covered before, is my favorite way to shop.

2. No need to cart around kids and groceries in bad weather

If you’ve ever had to deal with a toddler meltdown in the middle of a rainstorm, or carry two grocery bags and a baby in one arm through a snowdrift, you know what I’m talking about.

Online shopping means no more weather-related stressors. You can shop when it’s convenient for you, even if that means in the middle of a blizzard, and not have to worry about getting everyone out in bad weather.

With an option like Walmart pick-up, you still might be driving in the weather, but sitting in your car while the Walmart angels fill up your trunk and you listen to your favorite podcast just never gets old.

3. Groceries are delivered right to your car or door

Can someone say, “Heaven?” Depending on the pick-up option, you may not even have to go inside (our Sam’s Club, as an example, you do have to go inside to collect your items). Bust most often, just pop the trunk and you’re all set. If you’re using a grocery delivery service, they’ll bring it right to your door. Now that’s what I call service!

And if you’re really ahead of the game, teach your kids responsibility by having them help unload when you get home. Now you’ve got all the work done at a serious fraction of the friction. Well done, mama.

4. You can compare prices online easily

Gone are the days of driving to three different stores to compare prices on items. With a few clicks, you can check out what each store has to offer and make sure you’re getting the best deal. Not to mention, many times online retailers have better sales than brick-and-mortar locations.

5. No impulse shopping

I can just about cut my grocery bill in half just by sticking to pick-up for the month and vowing not to go in-store. It’s crazy to me. Just think about all the times you’ve gone into a store for one item and walked out with $100 worth of “stuff” you didn’t even know you needed. It happens to the best of us. But when you’re shopping online, there’s no way to be distracted by items you don’t need because they’re not right in front of you in fancy end-cap displays.

Plus, no arguing with your kids at checkout and they’re begging for gum and candy. Bonus.

6. No germs

Contact-less shopping option is one of my favorite by-products of the Covid-era. I remember looking down in at my toddler just to find him SUCKING on the shopping cart handle. Oh my heavens. No more dirty carts, no more coughing shoppers, no more public restrooms. When you’re shopping online, there’s no risk of exposure to those icky germs.

7. You get discounted substitute items when something is out of stock

This is one thing I love specifically about Walmart pickup: when they substitute an item for you, you get the better price. On most things, I shop Walmart brand to save a few bucks here and there, but if they run out, they upgrade me to a name brand or, even better, to a larger size for the same cost as the item I originally put in my virtual shopping cart. It feels like free stuff.

8. You save valuable time and energy

Your time is precious; in fact, it’s the only resource you can’t create more of. So why would you want to spend it doing something that’s not only a time-suck, but also energy draining? Shopping online is so much quicker and easier than trekking around the store.

You can shop when the kids are in bed, or while you’re watching your favorite show, or even on your lunch break at work. No need to hunt down mystery items in a store.

Plus, you have easy access to your pantry at home, so you can check on the items you already have rather than calling your partner to check on the number of eggs you have in the fridge. That’s a time-saver, a marriage-saver, and a money-saver.

9. Avoid decision fatigue

The more decisions you have to make in a day, the harder they become. By the end of a long day of work and mom-ing, the last thing you want to do is try to figure out what’s for dinner and then stand in line at the store. Why not make life easier on yourself by doing as much as you can ahead of time?

You can plan your meals for the week, make a grocery list, and shop all in one sitting. Then, when it comes to dinner time, all you have to do is heat it up. No standing in line at the store or trying to decide what’s for dinner while you’re already hangry.

10. Great customer service

Now I think I may have an advantage here because I read somewhere that my particular Walmart is winning a corporate award for their highly rated customer service, but my experience with Walmart pickup has been stellar. Often, they even have fruit snacks to give my kiddos. I’ve been pleased with the groceries, how they’re packaged, and how they communicate with me. 10/10 would recommend.

Dirty Tips

Here’s my one caveat on grocery pickup, which I am clearly wild about: if you have the time, pick your own produce. I often delegate this responsibility to the amazing pick-up shoppers, and I’d give them 6/10 for picking the quality produce I would get if I were picking it out myself.

My preference is to do my Walmart pickup order and then stop by a local grocer on the drive home and get fresher produce from the front of the store that I pick out myself. It’s an easy-in, easy-out experience, and I get pretty fruits and veggies I’m excited to consume. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also a place I feel a little better about impulse buying, so it allows me to see what’s in-season or on-sale and choose accordingly. Otherwise I might buy strawberries for $5.00 when I could have gotten peaches for $2.50.

Should I shop for groceries online?

Conclusion: You should be shopping for groceries online!

If you’re not already using a grocery pickup or delivery service, I hope this has inspired you to at least give it a try. It’s saved me so much time, money, and energy as a busy mom. There are definitely some drawbacks like deciding what’s for dinner and then sticking to that decision, but the pros far outweigh the cons. Online grocery shopping is a total game-changer, and I think you’ll be hooked once you try it.

Happy shopping!