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Honestly, Is a LuLaRoe Home Business a Good Idea?

Honestly, Is a LuLaRoe Home Business a Good Idea?

Okay. Let’s get the bad news out of the way right up front.

LuLaRoe has come under fire during the last year over some of its business practices. First, there have been some complaints about the quality of its products. Second, distributors were in an uproar over not being able to return their inventory for a refund.

Phew. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about the good news.

LuLaRoe is extremely popular right now—and with such a wide selection of leggings and other apparel, why shouldn’t it be? Women like me love nothing more than feeling comfortable, and there is no more comfortable item of clothing than a cozy pair of leggings.

What makes LuLaRoe leggings stand out from the rest is the sheer number of designs and patterns. There are literally thousands to choose from, which means I could find a pair to fit any wardrobe combination, occasion or mood if I really wanted too.

LuLaRoe is also intriguing because of how fast it has grown and continues to grow. The company was founded—by a mom—just over five years ago, and in that short timespan it has expanded by leaps and bounds. In 2016, the company reported just over $1 billion in sale.

That’s right. One billion dollars.

The #LuLaRoeHoliday17 Capsule Collection is here ☃❄☃❄ pic.twitter.com/iy8o8hO0Mv

— LuLaRoe (@LuLaRoe) October 24, 2017

Most companies never reach that amount of sales in their lifetime. Ever. And the ones that are lucky enough to make that kind of revenue usually take decades to do so. LuLaRoe did it in four years. That’s astonishing.

There are now around 80,000 independent LuLaRoe distributors who sell the company’s clothing from their homes, at trade shows and boutiques, and at parties and bazaars. Distributors start off by buying the clothing from the company at wholesale, and they have to do it in bulk. Last time I checked, the required “buy-in” for this particular MLM is $1,500. That’s pretty average.

Now, back to the concerns I brought up earlier. It does look as though the corporate folks at LuLaRoe listened. They announced an improved refund policy that makes it easier for distributors to recoup any losses from unsellable merchandise. The company’s CEO, Deanne Brady, also has an opportunity to improve quality so that the rips and tears customers have been griping about (and legitimately so) aren’t so frequent.

But again, from a pure product standpoint, I can see why women are drawn to the business opportunity. An inexpensive, fun-looking pair of leggings in this day and age is an easy sell. The company’s motto is “Where fashion meets comfort.” That really resonates with moms like me.

The online catalog has over 70,000 items to browse from, which means you could spend all day every day looking at and shopping for leggings—and skirts, and dresses, and blouses—if you aren’t careful. And when you do find something you like from the many collections LuLaRoe offers, it’s pretty easy to find a retailer in your area.

So, yeah. LuLaRoe has made some errors in recent months. But it’s growing in leaps and bounds, which tells me there is enough market demand to at least take a serious look at it as a business opportunity.

About LuLaRoe
Founded: October 2012
CEO: Mark Stidham
Corporate Office: 830 E Parkridge Ave, Corona, CA 92879-6611

Phone: (951) 737-7875

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