

How to Prepare Food Storage for Kids

How to Prepare Food Storage for Kids
As a mom, I like to be prepared. Prepared for the little things and prepared for the big things.
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HomeMom Hacks

3 Tips to keep a minivan clean and organized

3 Tips to keep a minivan clean and organized
If you’re a parent desperately looking for ways to keep your minivan clean and organized, then this blog post is for you!
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HomeMom Hacks

Great way to organize all those toys

I was never much of a toy organizer when my oldest children were babies, they had a toy box and that’s where the toys went. There was a book shelf and clearly that’s where the books went, they also had a stuffed animal hanger and all stuff animals were kept there. They were organized as toys, books and stuff animals simple enough and at the time worked. I bought $1 clear or colored plastic shoe boxes, to help organize the toys. I put cars in one, plastic farm play sets in another, Noah had little  motorcycles I even gave them a box of their own box. He had about 12 different themed boxes, it not only help keep things organized but it kept the mess down and was easier to clean up. I wouldn’t mind if he brought out 3 or more boxes at once, but when he was done they all went back into their own little boxes. It worked great, it was a simple organization for 1 child (the other children were much older and didn’t have toys)
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HomeMom Hacks

GlassDharma Glass Straw

I love using a straw for my drinks, I couldn’t give you a good reason only that I like using a straw. What I don’t like is that I am constantly buying bags of them, and they aren’t really washable/reusable either. Then one day I came across GlassDharma the makers of glass straws, and knew I found the solution to my straw obsession. It was a pleasure to be able to use and provide you my readers with more information on GlassDharma straws.
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HomeHome Business

Here’s What I Think of a Scentsy Home Business

Here’s What I Think of a Scentsy Home Business
A girlfriend of mine is in the market for a new home, so a few months ago I spent a Saturday house shopping with her. At one of the homes on her interest list, we walked in the front door and all I could focus on is how wonderful it smelled—like the most delicious streusel cake in the world. Turns out, that smell was coming from a Scentsy candle. I say candle, but it’s really just a square of scented wax that releases its fragrance as it melts. Scentsy is another multi-level marketing company founded in Utah (there seem to be a lot of those; perhaps that’s a topic for another post) in 2003, but it is now headquartered in Meridian, Idaho. The company is a little different than most MLMs as it employs a direct-selling model, and a party-plan marketing model.
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