
BeautyFashionMom Hacks

30 Christmas Gift Ideas for Busy Moms Who Deserve a Break

30 Christmas Gift Ideas for Busy Moms Who Deserve a Break
Every other day of the year, we’re writing for the women. We see you: busy moms juggling the weight of trying to have it all. You are incredible and worth celebrating. Today, our post is for the loved ones in your life. So pass over the phone and let them do the reading. You deserve […]
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Unwanted Peach Fuzz and What to Do About It

No one prepared me for the facial hair. I mean, sure, as a teen I overplucked my eyebrows like the rest of us, but there comes a point in every woman’s life that a pair of tweezers and a lighted mirror just doesn’t keep up on the neck, cheek, and jawline. That’s when I started […]
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HTY Gold Anti Aging Beauty Products

I am always trying to protect my skin and beat the effects of aging. I am constantly drenching my skin with lotions, moisturizers and beauty products. I also admit that I have tried many beauty products, some I loved while others not so much. Today I’d like to introduce you to my new favorite anti aging/anti-wrinkle cream by HTY Gold. HTY Gold has anti-wrinkle creams for your eyes, face, neck and body that are made from all natural ingredients.
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Billion Dollar Brows Eyebrow Experiment

I am not a beauty expert, but like any beauty conscious woman I know that eyebrows are pretty important. We all want perfect billion dollar brows, some are born with them while others… well we have to work on them a little. I would be the later and have spent countless amount of time and monies having them waxed and pluck. I’d always say “please get these (pointing to my brows) into shape, give me an arch, thin them out etc. I’d close my eyes and wait with anticipation for the result, time after time it was the same disappointment. Well I finally put my foot down, and decided I’d start doing my own brows. Yes I was scared that I’d mess up, but hey the worse case scenario would be I’d have to shave them off and draw them on. Not so bad … right?
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BeautyHome Business

Is Younique the product-focused home business for you?

Is Younique the product-focused home business for you?
Over the past few months, I’ve been contacted by a lot of people investigating home-based businesses. The common question I’ve been asked is, “Alyce, of all the home-based businesses out there, which one do you recommend the most?” That’s a good question, and a really tough one to answer. Why? Because it seems like there are as many home-based businesses as there are stars in the sky. But the question is an intriguing one, so I jumped right in and began looking at some of the newer, more popular businesses out there. It didn’t take me long to separate the wheat from the chaff based on one important criteria: The best home-based business, whether they rely on network marketing, party planning or some other business model, are all product-focused.
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